Penis Size – Does It Really Matter?

Well, guys, does your penis measure up? Do you sport a massive member or a puckered little acorn? And if you are less well-endowed than most, does it matter?

Well, yes, it matters if you’re going round the locker room hiding your penis under a towel and peeking at the massive penis swinging in front of the man next to you while thinking you’re worse off. It matters if you think sex would be much better for you and your woman if your penis was longer, harder, wider or a different shape. It matters even more if she’s telling you that. And it matters if you believe a woman’s not satisfied unless her vagina’s stretched to the limit during sex.

And it matters most of all if you believe all the images around us which tell us every day, one way or another, that you’re more of a man if you have a big penis. Which is, of course, totally untrue.

Video – the importance of penis size

What’s the truth about penis size?

First of all, let’s deal with average sizes. Here are the true facts about penis size:

The average erect white penis is 5.9 inches long. The average erect white penis is 4.9 inches around at the widest point, which is most often the rim of the coronal ridge, though a penis will obviously appear thicker around the coronal ridge when the foreskin is covering the glans than it will when the foreskin is pulled back. Black penises are on average half an inch longer than white penises, and Asian penises are on average half an inch shorter. Seventy five percent of all penises are between 5.25 and 7.25 inches long.

By this standard, half of all erect white penises are less than 5.9 inches. Unfortunately for a man who has to call himself “shorter than average” the other half are longer than 5.9 inches – but not by much. Only 40% of white men have a penis longer than 6 inches; only 30% have one longer than 6.25 inches, and by the time you get to 7.75 inches, you’re down to 2% of men.

Now get your string and ruler out and see how your penis compares. You know what? It might be true many men would secretly like a bigger penis. But does this really have anything to do with sex? Isn’t it just about measuring up in front of other men? You’ll see loads of internet sites which say, in roughly equal numbers: “No, penis size does not matter to women” and “Come on, let’s be truthful, of course women like a big penis.” Jeez, what can you believe? This, maybe: women do prefer a big penis during sex if they need a large size to feel physical pleasure. Whether this is so or not depends on many things, a few of which include:

The man’s skill as a lover. If he can thrust so his penis hits her G spot, she’ll get as much pleasure as she can handle, regardless of the size of his penis. And this also depends on the shape and angle of his erection and her vaginal canal.

Her sensitivity to vaginal thrusting. Of course a woman may get more pleasure during sex if her man has a big penis, simply because it gives her more stimulation. 

How much in love she is with him. A loving relationship adds a few inches to the size of your penis in a woman’s mind.

The man’s attitude. Seriously, which do you think a woman would prefer? An arrogant shit with a nine inch penis or a thoughtful, masculine, caring lover with a five inch penis? (Especially if the smaller guy’s good at cunnilingus.)

Whether she’s a size queen. Sure, some women are turned on by a big penis. However, 98% of women are turned on by their lover’s penis, regardless of its size. 

How toned her muscles are. If she’s had five kids and never bothered to do any Kegel exercises, she’ll be loose. 

And of course, the final remedy is simple: if you are a man and your lover doesn’t like the size of your penis, find one who does.

More on what women think about penis size.

Here’s an email to reproduced on that website: 

“When I was young my first serious boyfriend told me his ex referred to him as ‘thumbelina’. He was rather small, so it never hurt when he took my virginity, and in fact I came my first time.  I had heard that small men make up for it in other ways and he proved it…. I was a slave to him, he was always sure to pleasure me before himself, and he was just the best at going down on me.  And I never once choked on him! He was a total dream. 

And he wasn’t tall, and he wasn’t cute, but oh man was he ever good in bed. I only wish my present husband was like that. My husband is 8 inches long and the worst lover I have ever had.  I think bigger men feel that just having a big penis is enough, and they don’t need to do anything but put it in.  Sometimes sex is very painful for me because of his length. Oral is hard for me to do. He apparently sees no need to even touch my pussy, let alone lick it.

“A man who is a considerate lover and willing to go down on me is my master, I would do whatever he wished.  Penis size is an afterthought.  I would go so far as to say a man with no penis at all would be fine if he knew how to please a woman. A woman can go to an adult store and buy a bigger vibrator, but she can’t buy skill.”

Gay Men Have Larger Penises – Or Do They?

What could possibly lie behind the assertion on the internet that gay men have bigger penises than straight men? (Especially bearing in mind that the whole range of human sexuality is so fluid, and many men are neither gay nor straight but somewhere in between.)

Well, first of all you may know the name Alfred Kinsey. He was the pioneer American researcher who went into men and women’s pants, a journey where no-one had previously dared to go. And among the data he gathered  was a lot of stuff about penis size. Unfortunately he asked men to measure their own penises and send the results in on a postcard. As myth and self-delusion can be more appealing than reality when it comes to penis size, who knows how accurate the data was?

As Kinsey was a man with a curious mind – in more ways than one – he asked the men if they were gay or straight. This was a pretty amazing thing for the time, because many men who were gay would not have been able to articulate that fact, being married or unaware of their true orientation. So how reliable would the answer to that question be? Who knows? But years later, this material provides ample scope for researchers with time on their hands (or researchers who have a point to prove).

So – if you thought six inches, give or take a tenth of an inch, was the length of the average male erection, then think again. Averages like this are made up of groups of men, and they conceal subtle variations in the data. Fortunately, Dr. Anthony Bogaert of Brock University in Ontario can help us here. He analyzed the Kinsey data in groups and discovered this: a gay penis is on average 6.32 inches long when erect, while a straight one is 5.99 inches. In other words, erect gay men’s penises are one-third of an inch longer than straight men’s. Or so Bogaert claims in “The Relationship Between Sexual Orientation and Penis Size”, published in the June 1999 Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Uh-ho. First of all, can you really measure to a one-hundredth of an inch using a ruler? No? Then doesn’t that cast doubt on the data? Well, yes, but let’s press on anyway. 

The men werealso asked to measure around their penises as well….. and the same thing happens: men who are straight have smaller circumference as well as smaller length! The straight penis circumference is 4.80 inches, while the gay penis penises in at 4.95 inches.

But what is going on? Why would this be so – if it is true at all? Bogaert says that it may have some connection to prenatal hormones which can affect the structure and size of the genitals and certain parts of the brain that determine sexual orientation.

We do know that gay men seem to have certain differences in brain structure, although like all such issues, this is a hot political potato and biologically still unresolved. However, the proponents of theories which suggest that biological factors affect sexual orientation do seem to gain some comfort here.

What, though, about the dreadful possibility that men aren’t always, shall we say, totally truthful when talking about penis size? Well, the rebuttal is clear – would it make any sense for gay men to boast more about their penis size than straight men? 

And to see how important this is to some people, try typing “penis size and sexual orientation into Google”. You have to conclude that most of the fuss around penis size comes from a world view of masculinity which is fundamentally immature.